Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Endure (Need book 4)

Endure is the final book in the YA series called Need. Zara was finally able to get Nick back from Asgard. It wasn't an easy task. Many people (including Mrs. Nix) died so that she could have her boyfriend back. Was Zara being selfish? Doubt and worry plague her thoughts until she finally realizes that no, she wasn't being selfish. She was getting Nick back to help all of the people of Bedford.

Sadly, things don't go to plan. Nick feels that he can no longer love Zara because she "doesn't have a soul anymore". Nick and Zara grow ever apart and Astley swoops in to claim her love.

While finding a way to stop the apocalypse, Zara travels to Hel, the afterlife place ruled by the Norse goddess/half zombie being whose name also happens to be Hel. There she discovers her role in the prophecy. She must free Loki, which sets off the apocalypse and then jump into the mouth to Hel he creates. Just peachy.

During her adventure, she gets turned back into a human. Only a pixie queen can turn a pixie back into a human if she kisses the pixie with intent. The council forbids Astley to turn her back into a pixie. The process might kill her.

To help fight off the apocalypse, Zara reveals the existence of pixies to some of her friends and starts training an army.

Zara finally discovers that she loves Astley in this book. She cannot bear to be with Nick anymore and Nick can't bear to see her as a pixie.

The ending seems TERRIBLE but then bam! suddenly the story takes a sharp twist. Zara ends up telling Loki how to free himself, Astley turns evil, Frank starts the apocalypse, Zara becomes a pixie again and she still ends up sacrificing herself in the end.

This book takes on a slightly Twilight feel with the whole Team Nick and Team Astley going on.

The book was a good ending to a great series with twist and turns, secrets and lies, betrayals and kindling love.

Score: 9.0/10


  1. I was soooooo happy she ended up with Astley! Nick was such a jerk after she turned pixie and then after she was human again he was all "Oh no, i didnt hate you cause you were pixie, I love you baby." And she was like "lol nah bro." And Astley still loved her weather she was pixie or not. Zara was an amazing character and the plot line was so original. I'm so sad it's over :(

  2. I was soooooo happy she ended up with Astley! Nick was such a jerk after she turned pixie and then after she was human again he was all "Oh no, i didnt hate you cause you were pixie, I love you baby." And she was like "lol nah bro." And Astley still loved her weather she was pixie or not. Zara was an amazing character and the plot line was so original. I'm so sad it's over :(
